Many moms are often too busy to take care of their babies 100% of the time. Some might even leave the house for hours at a time, leaving their husband with the responsibility.
When this happens, some husbands can’t handle it and neglect the baby or do something wrong.
What can you do?
You can’t stay with your baby all the time, and you will need to be able to trust your husband eventually.
If you don’t trust your husband to be alone with your baby, this guide is for you!
Don’t Trust Husband With Baby? Here Is My Guide

1. Learn to trust your husband to take care of the baby
If you want to trust your husband with your baby, then you need to learn to trust him. It sounds counterintuitive, but you must trust him when you are ready to trust him, or it could backfire.
This can’t happen overnight, but if you gradually allow him to take care of the baby on his own, you will start to trust him more.
You might still be wary of letting your husband take care of the baby independently, but if he feels like you trust him, he will naturally become more responsible.
2. Set up a schedule with him and stick to it
- Create a schedule with your husband
- Stick to the schedule, even if it’s hard for you
- Encourage him when he does well and give him constructive criticism when he doesn’t
- Be there to help out as much as possible so that you can both take care of the baby together
- Give each other some time alone with the baby every day so that you don’t get too frustrated or stressed out from being around them all of the time
- Try not to get mad at him when things go wrong – it’s just part of parenting!
- Remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes – try not to hold onto grudges for too long!
3. Educate your husband on potential dangers that babies can face, such as drowning or choking

It is essential to educate your husband on the potential dangers that babies can face.
Some hazards, such as drowning or choking, are deadly. Talk to your husband about these dangers and explain what he should do if something happens.
Your husband needs to understand how important it is to watch your baby at all times when your baby is awake. and also to be aware and close by while your baby sleeps.
4. Have an emergency plan in place for when you are not there (in case of an accident)
What would you do if something happened to your baby when you were not there? This is a question that all parents should ask themselves and have an answer for.
One thing that you can do is create a plan with your husband in case of an emergency. This plan should include what he would do if something happened to the baby and what he would do if he couldn’t reach you.
It’s also essential to have a designated spot where your husband would take the baby if something did happen. For example, this spot could be a friend or family member’s house or even a hospital.
5. Don’t leave your baby alone with someone who is intoxicated – make sure they’re sober before taking care of the child

If you want to leave your baby with someone else, make sure they don’t have alcohol or drugs in their system. It is never safe to leave your baby alone with someone who has consumed either of them.
Your husband should know this too!
6. When leaving for more than a few hours, find someone else who can watch over the child until you return home again
If you have to leave your baby for more than a few hours, find someone else to help your husband take care of them until you come back.
Make sure that the person watching over them is responsible and knows what they’re doing. It’s also essential to have a plan in place if something happens while you’re gone.
7. Place safety locks on all cabinets and drawers where dangerous items could be found (medicines, knives, cleaning products)

When it comes to safety, it’s essential to take precautions for as many things as possible. This is especially true when it comes to our children.
One such precaution is to place safety locks on all cabinets and drawers where your baby could find dangerous items. This includes things like medicines, knives, and cleaning products. Doing this can help ensure that your child is safe from harm.
8. Wash all bottles thoroughly before using them again to get rid of any bacteria that may have grown during your absence
It is essential to wash all bottles thoroughly before using them again to eliminate any bacteria that may have grown during your absence. This will help keep your baby safe and healthy.
Walk your husband through what you do so they know it for the next time they look after your baby.
9. Don’t leave sharp or hot objects within the baby’s reach
Don’t leave sharp or hot things where the baby can reach them. They might get hurt if they touch them.
Explain the safe places to leave such objects, and ask him to stick to them. Going back to the safety locks tip above, it’s even better if these things are stored in high units.
10. If your husband smokes, never let them smoke around your baby
If your husband smokes, never let them smoke around your baby. Babies are susceptible to secondhand smoke, which can cause them to develop health problems.
Smoking around a baby is also dangerous and can lead to fires.
Talk to your husband about the dangers of smoking around your baby, and ask him to refrain from doing so.
If he doesn’t understand how smoking is dangerous around your baby, I can see why you don’t trust him!
Speak to your husband about why you don’t trust him to look after your baby

Communication is vital in any relationship. That’s why you need to sit down and talk to him about why you lack trust.
Try to explain that it has nothing to do with him or his capabilities but everything to do with the baby’s safety.
If he understands these reasons, it would be more likely that he will accept your help in looking after the baby. Let him know that you are always willing to help him whenever he needs it.
Tell your husband that you are there to help, not hinder!
You must educate your husband on the potential dangers that babies can face. It’s also important to trust him with the responsibility of caring for them when he is around.
However, there are some exceptions in which they should not be left alone together (such as if he has alcohol or drugs in his system).
Most importantly, before leaving, make sure to have an emergency plan and designated spot where the baby would go if something happened while mom was away.
Ask him what he would do before you leave, so both of you know exactly how to handle any given situation.
If all this sounds overwhelming and confusing- don’t worry!