Raising a child can cause additional strain on your relationship!
If you are lucky enough to have an excellent relationship, you might get jealous when your child is old enough to understand what is happening.
Jealousy is common, especially if the mom or dad shows someone else the attention your child thinks should be directed only at them.
Here is my guide for dealing with this situation, as it is something I’ve gone through!
What Exactly Is Jealousy?

Jealousy is a negative emotion when a person does not receive attention and love from someone important to them.
The parents, particularly the mother, are the first and most essential people in a child’s life.
In addition, when a mother’s attention is distracted away from her child and onto anything else, jealousy appears in the infant’s eyes.
This could be aimed at a younger brother or sister, a new family member, or even strangers.
What Is Jealousy In Children?
Jealousy is a common phenomenon among youngsters.
It is a common occurrence in households with many children. The older child strikes the younger child, fights and argues, and pushes the father away to embrace the mother.
However, only a few parents consider how difficult the process of children’s jealousy is and the awful consequences it may have.
Because they are envious of their mother, most youngsters harbor anger toward their fathers. The opposite may occur when a girl has a strong emotional bond with her father.
The mother is the primary caregiver for the child and an important part of the child’s environment.
The child interprets any shift in the mother’s gaze toward another person, including the father, as a threat to their safety. Jealousy serves as a protective mechanism for the child.
This is accompanied by a desire to make a scene, spend most of their time with their mother, accompany her, and behave exclusively in her presence.
Reason For Jealousy Among Children

There are several reasons why jealousy arises in children.
However, the following are the most well-known causes of jealousy in children:
Considering Themself As The Most Important
In most situations, children regard themselves as the most important family member and a part of society, and they expect that all care and attention be directed solely toward them.
This is typical in practically all houses, and most of the time, there is nothing wrong with a youngster treating them as the most important person in the world.
Thinking That Parents Are Selfish
When parents begin to prioritize their younger siblings or each other over their children’s or son’s needs, their children feel envious and believe that their parents are selfish.
Having Difficulties While Expressing Themselves
Because the children’s mental and emotional development is still in its early phases, they may not always express pleasant feelings toward their parents, especially if they haven’t been trained.
As a result, the child uses jealousy to express their love.
Having Anxiety
Jealousy in kids is also influenced by the child’s enhanced concentration and anxiousness for trivial causes.
Feeling Helpless
A child understands that because they can survive without their parents during that early development period, they use jealousy as a protective technique to keep their parents hidden from everyone else.
If a family has children with a narrow age gap, their relationship may range from love to hate: they may watch television and embrace each other, only to fight in 5 seconds.
In large families, with the advent of the third and existing children, the seniors’ and the youngest’s jealousy gradually decreases.
Children become accustomed to looking after, supporting, and campaigning for their siblings.
How to Recognize Jealousy in a Child

Recognizing envy in children might be challenging at times. However, the qualities described below may help you identify jealousy in a child.
The Child Starts Showing Aggression
The child begins to act aggressively and be hostile toward a new family member. When it comes to babies, the situation can swiftly escalate.
The Child Gets Discouraged
With the arrival of a child, the kid becomes anti-social and down. They may also become unruly, rowdy, or begin to cause a fuss.
What Are the Risks of Child Jealousy?

On the surface, the jealous emotions do not appear to be all that bad. The older sibling feels envious of the younger sibling bothering them.
It’s reasonable to hope they’ll become friends and look out for one another as they mature.
When a child’s anxieties are not addressed and dealt with, they develop into a harsh and cynical adult confused about empathy and compassion.
Jealousy damages the child and their relationships with their parents and family.
When siblings reach maturity and become self-sufficient, it is normal for them to remain competitive and resentful toward one another.
Ways to Prevent Jealousy in Children

Parents must know how to respond appropriately when dealing with jealousy in children. Here are some strategies for preventing jealousy in children:
- When you discover jealousy, you must devise a plan of action, so anyone important to the child’s growth must follow it.
- Identify the source of jealousy. You must be knowledgeable about the child and their surroundings since you can only take the right action if you know the trigger.
- Encouragement is a good thing. Don’t overemphasize whatever the child does well, and don’t overlook what they do wrong.
- React calmly during jealousy outbursts, and try to avoid bitterness and blame.
- When your children are thinking badly, remind them of their benefits. For example, if they feel envious of their younger sister, emphasize the advantages of having a baby sister, such as having a friend to play with.
Be vigilant about the child’s well-being. As previously stated, envy can become dormant. It is critical to prevent envy in children since it can be a source of pain and impede interpersonal interactions.
Talk to the youngster and make it clear that you appreciate their feelings.
Assure your youngster that you adore them, appreciate them, and want everyone in the family to get along and live happily.
If the problem is out of your hands, seek professional help. An expert can advise you on the best course of action to take.
Final Thoughts
Jealousy is a very natural feeling for a child. Jealousy arises because children adore their parents, particularly their mothers.
The essential takeaway is that, while eliminating envy is tough, decreasing its manifestations and creating opportunities for each child to feel valued and loved are fully within their power.
However, if a child’s jealousy is not dealt with promptly, it can be destructive.
As a result, parents must continually be aware of their children’s attitudes and feelings toward them. Parents should seek medical attention if they cannot deal with their child’s jealousy.