As parents, we know that the education our kids receive is vital!
We want to know how they got on when they return from school, don’t we?
I do.
So I ask my kids how they got on at school.
But, it wasn’t easy to begin with. I didn’t know what questions to ask!
Here are over 30 questions and some tips for communicating with your kids about school.
Rules for Communicating with Your Child About School

Firstly, try not to flood them with questions immediately. Recollect when you were a child, and your parents hit you with many inquiries concerning school when you strolled through the entryway.
The following aspects might help you understand your kid deeply.
Children May Get Irritated
Of course, after a tiring day, you need to depressurize and play some SNES while eating instead of getting an exhaustive cross-examination about your day.
Your child presumably feels the same way. So, give them an ideal opportunity to loosen up a little instead of going into “How was your day?” questions when they return home from school.
Talk at Dinnertime
If you don’t telecommute like me, you presumably will not see your children until you finish your day at the workplace.
Dinnertime will be a decent opportunity to make up for lost time with how your kids’ day went.
Keep it Open
Don’t just ask “yes” or “no” inquiries, which tend to close down the discussion.
All things being equal, pose more open-finished queries that inspire more extensive answers; these usually start with what, how, and why.
Do Not Repeat Questions
Just consider you had an awful day at work, and when you came home, your folks asked, “What did you do at work?” Once you are done answering, they say, “What did you do after that?” and “What did you do after finishing your job?”.
These questions appear as a headache, don’t they? Don’t rush your kids like this. Try to avoid repeated queries or questions with the same answers.
This would devalue the conversation. Eventually, your kid will lose interest.
Always try to start with a pleasant smile asking how they are feeling. It is not advised to use repeated questions during any dinner discussions.
Try Again Later
If, regardless of your earnest attempts, your children aren’t participating in the discussion, cut the mission short and try again later.
They most likely don’t have any desire to talk at that time.
However, they might be interested in talking about it later.
Before You Speak, Listen!
Listening parents develop a good relationship with their kids compared to those who don’t listen. However, becoming a good listener takes time and effort.
So put aside your electronics, establish eye contact, and give your child your full attention while telling you about their day.
Change Your Perspective for More Detailed Information
You might be curious about a specific aspect of your child’s day, such as whether they were bullied or if someone upset them.
However, direct questions such as “Why are you so mad?” can invade privacy. Start with a fresh approach to the question if you’re worried about your child.
Questions for How Their Day At School Went

- Was today a bad day or a good day?
- Who did you play with today?
- Did anyone fall into difficulty today?
- Did anybody do anything entertaining at school today?
- What caused you to feel the most joyful today?
- What games did you play during the break?
- When did you feel generally pleased with yourself today?
- Tell me something new you adapted today.
- What made you laugh today?
- Did anybody do anything pleasant for you today?
- What tested you today?
- How was the most pleasant thing you helped another person today?
- Who brought the best food for their lunch today?
- How would you rate your day on a size of one to 10?
- If one of your companions could be the educator for the afternoon, who might you need it to be?
- What’s your teacher’s most significant standard, and did anybody break it today?
- Does your teacher help you to remember any other person you know?
- What did you have some good times adapting today?
- What’s one thing you did today that helped a friend or your teacher?
Communication with Children of Various Ages

Parental communication prevents children from self-deprivation and bad academic performance at all ages.
Parents actively involved in their children’s education can positively impact their school participation, educational aspirations, and academic performance.
Positive communication, in particular, can improve feelings of connectivity between kids and their parents. Communication skills, like all elements of development, take time to develop.
1st Grade
Discussions with young children during school usually center on academic themes, friendships, or actual experiences. For instance, a kid may say, “At recess, I played the guitar!” By categorizing and labeling your young child’s experiences, you can help them develop even more.
2nd to 3rd Grades
Your child’s friendships grow increasingly essential to him. It’s possible that they’d rather talk about their latest friendships than education. Ask about their pals to show that you’re interested.
4th to 5th Grades
Children may see your queries as demands, resulting in no communication. It might be easier to initiate a discussion by inquiring about your child’s classmates.
6th to 12th Grades
The development of attitude and independence marks adolescence. Resultantly, your adolescent might find out more seclusion and divulge less information.
You may help them reach these developmental achievements by showing that you care about what they have to say—giving your teen some space and privacy when necessary and enabling them to participate in family decisions.
When we communicate with our children, we must truly take the time to connect with them.
If parents ask thoughtful, compassionate, and interesting questions regularly, their children may soon discover that they are the ones who want to share about their school day without being prompted.