Do you feel like you’re constantly chasing your toddler around, trying to get them to interact with you? It can be really frustrating when they want nothing to do with you.
In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to get your toddler to start interacting with you.
My toddler wants nothing to do with me, what can I do?

1. Understand why your toddler might be rejecting you
There could be a number of reasons why your toddler is rejecting you. Some common reasons include:
- They are going through a stage where they want more independence and are trying to push away from their parents
- They might be feeling overwhelmed or stressed, and interacting with you is just too much for them
- They could be dealing with some separation anxiety issues and need to be close to their parents at all times
- They might have just had a bad experience with you, such as when you told them “no” or scolded them for something they did wrong. This can cause them to want nothing to do with their parent(s).
- They could be hungry, or tired.
2. Give your toddler space and time to come to you on their own

Sometimes your toddler just needs some space, especially when they are going through a stage where they want more independence. So give them that space, and don’t try to force them to interact with you or be close by at all times.
Give them time and room to breathe. This will also help if your toddler is feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
However, you still need to be there for them, so make sure that you are in the same room as them and available if they want to come to you. Just let them know that you’re there for them if they need you.
If your toddler is dealing with separation anxiety issues, then try not to leave them alone for too long.
3. Try not to take it personally – they’re just going through a phase
As hard as it is, don’t take it personally if your toddler wants nothing to do with you. They’re just going through a phase, and they will eventually come around. Just keep providing love and support, and be there for them when they need you.
Remember that every toddler is different, so what works for one might not work for another. So be patient and experiment with different methods to see what gets your toddler to start interacting with you again.
4. Spend time with them doing things they enjoy

An easy way to get your toddler to interact with you is by doing things they enjoy together. This could be anything from watching a movie, playing a game, or going for a walk in the park.
Pick an activity that you will both enjoy and spend some quality time together doing it.
Also, try out any new activities they might be interested in. My son loves to play soccer, so I’ll always spend time kicking the ball with him and playing a game of keepie-uppies every now and then when he wants me to join in his fun.
Even if they don’t want you to be involved at first, they might change their mind while doing the activity and come over to you for a hug or a chat.
5. Let them explore their independence
As hard as it can be, try to let your toddler explore their independence. This means giving them more freedom and space to do things on their own. They’re going through a stage where they want more independence and are trying to push away from you, so it’s important that you let them do this.
Of course, you still need to be there for them and provide guidance when necessary, but don’t hover over them constantly.
6. Seek out support from other parents or professionals
If you’re struggling to get your toddler to interact with you, it might be helpful to seek out support from other parents or professionals. There could be something you’re doing wrong that you’re not aware of, or maybe they just need a different approach.
There are plenty of parenting groups and forums out there that can offer you some great advice, or you could speak to a professional such as a therapist. They will be able to help you figure out why your toddler is acting this way, and what you can do to fix it.
You could even try talking with other parents who have toddlers the same age as your own. They might have gone through or are currently going through a stage where their toddler is refusing to interact with them.
Though it may be tough, there are ways to get your toddler interested in you again. Check out the tips on this page for some helpful advice.
With a little patience and effort, you should see a change in your toddler’s attitude towards you in no time.
Good luck!